Solves: Classification, Regression
Method: kNN estimates new point labels by aggregating the labels of the \(k\)-closest points in the dataset.
It is a good idea to choose a \(k\) different than the number of classes to avoid draws.
Characteristics: discriminative
, non-parametric
Solves: Classification, Regression
Method: Learn decision rules based on the data features. These decisions are encoded by a tree where each node represents condition and its branches the possible outcomes. The conditions are chosen iteratively granting a higher information gain (the split of data which results in the lowest possible entropy entropy state).
This high-variance issue is often addressed with variance-reduction ensemble methods. As a matter of fact, there is a technique specially tailored to them called random forest: A set of different trees are trained with different subsets of data (similar idea to bagging), and also different subsets of features.
Characteristics: discriminative
Solves: Classification
Method: Given a dataset of labelled points in a \(d\)-dim space a naive Bayes classifier approximates the probability of each class of a new point \(\vec{x} = (x^1, ..., x^d)\) assuming independence on its features:
Naive because it assumes independence between features.
\begin{equation} p(\vec{x}) = p(x^1, …, x^d) \simeq p(x^1) … p(x^d) \end{equation}
By applying the Bayes theorem:
\begin{equation} p(c_i \mid \vec{x}) = \frac{p(\vec{x} \mid c_i) p(c_i)}{p(\vec{x})} \simeq \frac{p(x^1 \mid c_i) … p(x^d \mid c_i) p(c_i)}{p(x^1)…p(x^d)} \end{equation}
We can then estimate:
Notice that we don’t actually need to compute the evidence (denominator) as it only acts as a normalization factor of the probabilities. It is constant throughout all classes.
Characteristics: generative
, non-parametric
Solves: Binary classification
Method: Learn the hyperplane parameters which “better” split the data. It frames it as a convex optimization problem with the objective of finding the largest margin within the two classes of points. A set of points is chosen from each group to optimize the hyperplane position, these points are known as support vectors.
Maximum Margin Classifier attempts to find a “hard” boundary between the two data groups. It is however very susceptible to training outliers (high-variance problem).
Soft Margin approach allows for the miss-classification of points, it is more biased but better performing. Often cross-validation is used to select the support vectors which yield better results.
Schematically, SVM has this form:
\begin{equation} \vec{x} \rightarrow \text{Linear function} < \vec{x}, \vec{w} > \rightarrow \begin{cases} if \geq 1 \rightarrow \text{class 1} \newline if \leq -1 \rightarrow \text{class -1} \end{cases} \end{equation}
Often, the data is not linearly-separable. We can apply a non-linear transformation into a (possibly higher-dimensional) space and perform the linear separation there. We call this non-linear transformation kernel.
Kernel trick: One can frame the problem in such a way that the only information needed is the dot product between points. For some kernels we can calculate the dot product of the transformation of two points without actually needing to transform them, which makes the overall computation much more efficient. We already saw this idea in dimensionality reduction algorithms.
Characteristics: discriminative
Solves: Binary classification
Method: The model has two steps:
\begin{equation} \hat p (\vec{x}) = \frac{e^{< \vec{w}, \vec{x} >}}{e^{< \vec{w}, \vec{x} >} + 1} \end{equation}
And uses maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) to learn the parameters \(\vec{w}\). Notice its similarity with SVMs:
\begin{equation} \vec{x} \rightarrow \text{Linear function} < \vec{x}, \vec{w} > \rightarrow \text{SIGMOID} \rightarrow \begin{cases} if \geq 0.5 \rightarrow \text{class 1} \newline if \leq 0.5 \rightarrow \text{class 0} \end{cases} \end{equation}
We can also think of this as a single-neuron ANN with a SIGMOID activation function.
We therefore find the parameters \(w\) through MLE.
Characteristics: discriminative
Solves: Regression
Method: Learn parameters of a linear transformation using least squares
Ridge regression
Lasso regression
Characteristics: discriminative
Method: Randomly place \(k\) centroids and iteratively repeat these two steps until convergence: