Bit Manipulation

Reading binary numbers:

0101 = 5
1010 = 10

Basic operations:

+, -, *: Same as in base 10 but in base 2.

0110 + 0010 = 1000
0110 - 0011 = 0011
0011 * 0101 = 1111

In case of doubt you can always convert to base 10, do operation there and convert back.

Bit-wise operations:

Each bit is treated individually (no propagation as in basic operations).

  • NEG: ~. \(a + ~a = 0\)
  • OR: \(\mid\).
  • AND: &
  • XOR: ^ (Exclusive OR: Exactly one of the values is \(1\)) a ^ a = 0, $$a ^ 0 = a. It is associative and distributive.

Practice: Single number

Bit translations

  • \(<<\) k: Multiplies by \(2^k\) (translates bits to the left).


  • \(>>>\) k: Divides by \(2^k\) (translates bits to the right). Substitutes MSB by 0.


  • \(>>\) k: Roughly divides by \(2^k\) (translates bits to the right). Substitutes MSB with the sign bit value.

Practice: Hamming weight, Reverse bits

Negative Numbers

Signed binnary integers (Signed Magnitude)

Use MSB (Most Significant Bit) to encode the sign of the number. (0 for \(+\); 1 for \(-\)). The rest of the number is encoded as usual: S 8 4 2 1.


  • Most operations don’t make sense. (e.g. \(3 + (-3)\) = 00011 + 10011 = 10110 = \(-6\))

One’s Complement

Takes the positive representation of the number and inverts all bits (negation/complement). We know a value is negative since a bit is reserved for the sign (0 for \(+\); 1 for \(-\)). Value: S 8 4 2 1

e.g: -5 would be 11010 (since 5 is 00101).


  • Easy addition and subtraction: You can add a positive and a negative number using the common addition operation.

If there is an overflow in the addition, we need to add 1 to the result:

e.g: in 3-bit + sign representation: \(4 + (-2)\) = 0100 + 1101 = 1 0001 \(\rightarrow\) 0010 = \(2\)


  • Negative 0: (e.g. \(3 + (-3)\) = 00011 + 11100 = 11111 = \(-0\)) This is addressd by the two’s complement.

Two’s Complement

Instead of 8 4 2 1, the number is represented as -8 4 2 1. Meaning that if right-most bit is set to 1, it adds -8 to the encoded values.

An alternative way of understanding two’s complement in a similar way to one’s complement: To get a negative of a value, flip all bits and add + 1.

e.g: -3 in 4-bit notation would be 1101 (-8 + 5). Notice that 5 is the complement of 3 (abs of -3) wrt to 8.

The addition and subtraction is the same as in One’s Complement discarding the overflows!!

Floating point Binary

The number (\(n\)) is expressed as a mantissa (\(m\)) and an exponent (\(e\)). I.e: \(n = m \cdot 2^e\). Trade-off:

  • The more digits in the mantissa, the greater the precision.
  • the more digits in the exponent, the wider the range.

If having a register of N+M positions, usually the first N contain the mantissa (stored in two’s complement) and the subsequent M the exponent (also stored in two;s complement).

e.g: Consider the number in 16-bits register (10 mantissa, 6 exponent stored in Two’s Complement): 0110100000|000011.

  • Both mantissa and exponent are positive (MSBs are 0).
  • Exponent is 3
  • We then know the number is \(0.110100000_2 \cdot 2^3\)
  • Which we can express as: \(0.110100000_2 >> 3\)
  • This is: \(0110.100000\) (shift the coma 3 positions)
  • We can then convert it to decimal as: ... 2 1 0. -1 -2 ...
  • I.e: ... 4 2 1. 0.5 0.25 ....
  • This results into \(6.5_{10}\).

OBS: If both are negative the coma moves to the left but the negative-value bit continues to be negative: e.g: 11000000|111110 = \(1.1 \cdot 2^{-2}\) -> 0.011 meaning ... 1 0.5 -0.25 0.125 ... (negative value is kept). Then in base 10: -0.125. You have to “remember” which was the negative value!